I went to lunch last week with some colleagues, neither of whom knew I wasn't Ethiopian (I thought it was obvi). As the conversation progressed the topic of familial background came up. I knew they were both African, based on their facial features and names; I later discovered one of Kenyan and the other was Nigerian. Eventually it was my turn to annie up the info. I swear they must have asked like 5 questions all hinting around finding out if I was Ethiopian. Apparently both of them thought I was. The only thing that gave me away was my name.
My poor American name. Gives me away every time.
But I was LOLing inside the entire time because I was being intentionally vague with my answers, hoping they would just come out and ask the main question at some point. Needless to say, they didn't.
Here's a list of common questions I get from people about my apparent confusing heritage:
My poor American name. Gives me away every time.
But I was LOLing inside the entire time because I was being intentionally vague with my answers, hoping they would just come out and ask the main question at some point. Needless to say, they didn't.
Here's a list of common questions I get from people about my apparent confusing heritage:
- Is your family from here?
- Does your sister live around here?
- Where is your family from?
- Do your parents live around here?
- So you've never been out of the U.S.?
- (Insert Amharic statements/questions here)
- Do you speak Amharic?
- How long have you been in this area?
- Where did you live before you moved to MD?
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